No one was prepared for something like this. It was unimaginable. From one day to the next, we went from scepticism to absolute chaos, and, little by little, we have been forced to adapt to a new normality which nobody knows how long it will last or if, instead, it has now changed us forever.
Perhaps this pandemic has revealed more than we expected or would have liked, such as, for example, that we do not know how to be alone. We have a constant need to fill the void with noise, to stimulate ourselves and feed on other stories in a compulsive way. We are afraid of silence in case it brings a wake-up call that reveals that we really have no idea who we are.
That’s why, when we were forced to stop, once we got used to the idea of what was ahead of us, all we could think about was filling the idle time so as not to think. We need to avoid falling into reflection, overthinking and then getting overwhelmed or feeling lost, or not being able to find ways to deal with the frustration generated by the uncertainty of not knowing what the future holds.
This explains why there are so many series and films, the rise of social networks such as TikTok, Instagram live, artists sharing their talent, the need to learn how to make homemade bread and the brilliant idea of cutting their fringes.
Perhaps our creativity and skills have increased, but all this excess content, apart from seeking to entertain, also keeps us from an opportunity to rediscover ourselves. We may no longer like what we thought we did, or we realise that the stress of work or the hustle and bustle of everyday life was clouding a reality that we can now recognise and want to change. Or it has been the perfect time to try out, experiment and discover new hobbies. Alternatively, it has deprived us of the (often) necessary decision to stop completely, listen to our body and see what happens.
Another issue that this virus has brought to the table is who cares and who is willing to care. And who does their part and takes control of a situation. And that is called responsibility.
That’s why, we at Atlantia, wanted to do our bit and, as a symbol of our gratitude for so much dedication and devotion from those who have given up their skin because of the continued use of masks and safety glasses. Their epidermis has been so severely affected, we decided to make a special, love-filled package containing the wonderful Superdefense, our moisturising and repairing facial cream with aloe vera.
These donations were made to different hospitals in the country: Clínic Ruber Internacional, Clínica Teknon, Hospital Duran y Reynals, Hospital ICO Duran y Reynals, Hospital del Mar, Hospital Clínic, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Hospital La Candelaria, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Hospital HM Montepríncipe and Hospital Perpétua Socorro.
Personally, we were incredibly happy that you accepted them with such pleasure, and we believe that this is the least we could do, since we must all be together in this and we must help as much as possible. So, on behalf of Atlantia, we would like to thank you and help you, as you are working your fingers to the bone, to do so only in a metaphorical sense.
Furthermore, the WHO has stated that a high percentage of the groups most exposed to the virus (health care workers and others linked to essential services) have experienced and will experience disorders related to mental health. Uncertainty, changing daily routines, economic difficulties, social isolation and all this added to the fear of getting sick together with the excess of information and unfounded rumours and the monotony within the work, social and family environment, make it even more complicated to disconnect, even for a day, from the pandemic. In addition to all this, if we add sensationalist news, information that has not been verified by official sources and falsified information, the population ends up in a situation of constant fear and anxiety.
That is why we believe it is important to emphasise the importance of looking after our mental health and the benefits of disconnecting in order to reconnect.

The most important job is to take care of yourself to take care of others
So, to close 2020, we have set ourselves some resolutions at Atlantia for the coming year:
- First of all, as we were saying, what we consider to be most important is to take good care of ourselves, both on the outside and above all on the inside.
- To work hard on empathy by helping those sectors that have suffered the worst from the pandemic.
- Putting selfishness to one side and being responsible for our actions. We must not lower our guard.
- Be patient and adapt to the new way of living and coexisting that we have been presented with.
- To value the simple things of daily life that we miss so much when we could not leave our homes and that seemed silly to us before.
- And as an extra tip, we love to remind you of the benefits of pure aloe vera from Atlantia, the main ingredient of all our products and the ideal aid for healthy, radiant skin, with and without a mask.
So, all we can do is wish you, from the bottom of our hearts, Happy Holidays and Happy 2021! And remember, it will all work out, because we’re already getting there.